Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
propose_bounty | 1b00 | 2 | |
approve_bounty | 1b01 | 1 | |
propose_curator | 1b02 | 3 | |
unassign_curator | 1b03 | 1 | |
accept_curator | 1b04 | 1 | |
award_bounty | 1b05 | 2 | |
claim_bounty | 1b06 | 1 | |
close_bounty | 1b07 | 1 | |
extend_bounty_expiry | 1b08 | 2 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
BountyProposed | 1b00 | ["BountyIndex"] | |
BountyRejected | 1b01 | ["BountyIndex","BalanceOf"] | |
BountyBecameActive | 1b02 | ["BountyIndex"] | |
BountyAwarded | 1b03 | ["BountyIndex","AccountId"] | |
BountyClaimed | 1b04 | ["BountyIndex","BalanceOf","AccountId"] | |
BountyCanceled | 1b05 | ["BountyIndex"] | |
BountyExtended | 1b06 | ["BountyIndex"] | |
BountyApproved | 1b07 | ["BountyIndex"] | |
CuratorProposed | 1b08 | ["BountyIndex","AccountId"] | |
CuratorUnassigned | 1b09 | ["BountyIndex"] | |
CuratorAccepted | 1b0a | ["BountyIndex","AccountId"] |
Name | Type | |
BountyCount | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
Bounties | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U32"],"value":"pallet_bounties:Bounty","keys_id":4,"value_id":436}} | |
BountyDescriptions | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U32"],"value":"Vec<U8>","keys_id":4,"value_id":438}} | |
BountyApprovals | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Vec<U32>","PlainTypeValue":430} |
Name | Type | Value | |
BountyDepositBase | U128 | 000064a7b3b6e00d0000000000000000 | |
BountyDepositPayoutDelay | U32 | 00c20100 | |
BountyUpdatePeriod | U32 | 80c61300 | |
CuratorDepositMultiplier | U32 | 20a10700 | |
CuratorDepositMax | option<U128> | 01000020c65abc8ed70a00000000000000 | |
CuratorDepositMin | option<U128> | 010000e8890423c78a0000000000000000 | |
BountyValueMinimum | U128 | 0000e8890423c78a0000000000000000 | |
DataDepositPerByte | U128 | 0080c6a47e8d03000000000000000000 | |
MaximumReasonLength | U32 | 00400000 |
Name | Docs |
InsufficientProposersBalance | Proposer's balance is too low. |
InvalidIndex | No proposal or bounty at that index. |
ReasonTooBig | The reason given is just too big. |
UnexpectedStatus | The bounty status is unexpected. |
RequireCurator | Require bounty curator. |
InvalidValue | Invalid bounty value. |
InvalidFee | Invalid bounty fee. |
PendingPayout | A bounty payout is pending.To cancel the bounty, you must unassign and slash the curator. |
Premature | The bounties cannot be claimed/closed because it's still in the countdown period. |
HasActiveChildBounty | The bounty cannot be closed because it has active child bounties. |
TooManyQueued | Too many approvals are already queued. |