Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
vote | 0d00 | 2 | |
delegate | 0d01 | 4 | |
undelegate | 0d02 | 1 | |
unlock | 0d03 | 2 | |
remove_vote | 0d04 | 2 | |
remove_other_vote | 0d05 | 3 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
Delegated | 0d00 | ["AccountId","AccountId"] | |
Undelegated | 0d01 | ["AccountId"] |
Name | Type | |
VotingFor | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId","U16"],"value":"pallet_conviction_voting:vote:Voting","keys_id":377,"value_id":378}} | |
ClassLocksFor | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"Vec<Tuple:U16U128>","keys_id":0,"value_id":386}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
MaxVotes | U32 | 00020000 | |
VoteLockingPeriod | U32 | c0890100 |
Name | Docs |
NotOngoing | Poll is not ongoing. |
NotVoter | The given account did not vote on the poll. |
NoPermission | The actor has no permission to conduct the action. |
NoPermissionYet | The actor has no permission to conduct the action right now but will do in the future. |
AlreadyDelegating | The account is already delegating. |
AlreadyVoting | The account currently has votes attached to it and the operation cannot succeed untilthese are removed through `remove_vote`. |
InsufficientFunds | Too high a balance was provided that the account cannot afford. |
NotDelegating | The account is not currently delegating. |
Nonsense | Delegation to oneself makes no sense. |
MaxVotesReached | Maximum number of votes reached. |
ClassNeeded | The class must be supplied since it is not easily determinable from the state. |
BadClass | The class ID supplied is invalid. |